Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Red Pill or the Blue pill?

Which have you taken?

Anyone familiar with the Movie the Matrix which made its debut in 1999 I believe should understand this concept. The concept can easilybe applied to the feeling of taking this World religions class under David lane. To many young and new students fresh out of high school, returning students or whoever you may be this can be compared somewhat to "The world of the Matrix". We stumbled into the class from our familiar worlds and upon sitting down in the classroom we waited for our new teacher in anticipation. We immediately began applying what Twelve plus years of education had taught us of our previous teachers and professors. We wondered, "I he/she going to suck? Be boring be heavy on homework, make us read make us take a lot of tests? Is it going to be easy? Hard? Heavy on the note taking?

I'm willing to wager that no one imagined that we would actually walk into the classroom at Mt. Sac and find 2 seats. In one sits David Lane as Morpheus and the other is reserved for you as the character Neo. It doesn't matter that there are 15-20 other people in the Class he is only talking to you and his revelation to you is quite simple yet profound. He speaks to you and tells you…

"I have two pills in my hands. One in each hand. A blue pill and a Red pill. The blue pill contains the knowledge and information ofeverything you know now and everything you thought you knew. The other contains an entire new world that you didnt know existed but does in fact exist.

You can choose to live in the world that you know now, and be oblivious to what it is that other world consists of or You can take the other which contains a world of new information that will challenge the way you used to think and may change the way you view life.

He does issue you a warning though and the warning is that the Red pill contains information that will require you to think above and beyond what you thought you knew. You may have to unlearn what you thought you were familiar with. It will take you out of your comfortable and cozy world. He can only promise you what the red pill only is …"Truth" it doesn't mean its going to bring you hapiness or sadness. It is what it is.

You can easily choose the blue pill and continue what you were doing. Drop the class, leave or sleep through lectures. Thats completely fine its your life. The red pill is not for everyone. in fact i'd say the blue pill is much more easier to swallow.

Now here is the spin on the Red Pill, Blue Pill ideology that is not put forth in the Matrix but is offered by Professor Lane. He doesn't proclaim his Red Pill to be "Absolute Truth" In fact the people who do drop his class because they are easily offended or lose their faith don't realize that he never said that his red pill was "Thee Truth" itself. He doesn't proclaim to be the all knowing Sage or the Guru of World religions classes everywhere. He isn't really the Truth holding Morpheus and we aren't Neo being awakened from the "Matrix of Lies that mask us". We must all remember and he does in fact stress it every class that he is an "Idiot"

No. I really don't think he's an idiot. In fact he's a genius and is loaded with information. There is meaning behind that statement and this is it. He will be the first to tell you that despite him having all that information. his knowledge is only a very small fraction ofthe Pie of Knowledge that is out there. He is merely sharing his "Slice of the Pie" with you. Take his pie and Put it with yours so that you will increase your very own Pie of Knowledge. That is what this is all about. There remains one constant for both Teacher and Student. Neither will ever have the "Whole Pie of Knowledge!

When the time came for me to make my decision I took the Red pill and went tumbling with Lane down the Rabbit Hole. It took a bit of courage because its hard to leave the comfort of the box we put ourselves in but as we learned in class. Knowledge is power. I knew that the Red pill would expand my knowledge. I know I needed to test my faith. If my faith were real it would hold up and stand up to the Test. It would force me to investigate the even deeper possibilities of our meaning in this world. Is it merely to duplicate the Species or is there something deeper? Some people may be offended by this logic but that is the whole point of what im trying to say here. Just because you are finding out for the first time that it may be hardwired in our DNA to duplicate ourselves that doesn't mean there is no such thing as God.

Put your piece of the Pie next to the Professors as he encourages you to do. It can very well be that we have this hardwired into our DNA as it is Gods plan for us to duplicate. Its as if everyone suddenly forgot the command in every religious book about "Being fruitful andMultiplying".

Sound familiar?

Take the red pill and tumble down the Rabbit hole. You never know what you can do with the new knowledge you attain.

I mean, imagine if Neo never took the Red pill in the Matrix. What would have happened "new" in his life from that point on?

Nothing right?
